Monday 30 June 2008


View about marriage&children

1. Which status you prefer to be?
A. Single B. Married C. live with somone without wedlock D. No opinion

2. If you want to get married, how old do you want to get married?
A. 18-21 B. 22-25 C. 26-30 D. 30+

3. Where do you want to hold your wedding?
A. Church B. Hotel C. Home D. Other

4. How much do you want to spend on your wedding?
A. Less than £2,000 B. £2000-4000 C. £4000-5000 D. More than £5000

5. How many children do you want to have?
A. None B. One C. Two D. More than two

6. What do you think about who had child out of wedlock?
A. Good B. OK C. Bad D. No opinion

7. Which one is the most important for you to choose your partner?
A. Good-looking B. Rich C. High education D. Personality

8. Do you agree with marrying people at older ages e.g.(more than 45)
A. Agree B. Disagree C. No opinion

9. Do you think living together before the mariage is.......................
A. Bad for society B. Good for society C. Doesn't much difference

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